Home Hack: Create an Adult Calm Corner
A home hack is a solution that makes life easier and better. It could be as simple as having a charging station for all your phones and gadgets. It could be as genius as rigging up a shelf on the front of that treadmill you never use so that your book or tablet is at eye level.
While lots of hacks will be personalized to what you specifically need for a better daily flow, there are a few essential home hacks that EVERYONE needs that will keep you calm and productive.
A 'calm corner' in one of them.
Calm corners aren’t just for kids! And they’re not somewhere you go when you’ve been bad! Ha. Actually, they’re a secret weapon in maintaining a healthy, less stressful, simple life.
A simple life is one that is mindful and intentional, and it requires stillness and reflection on a daily basis. It's tough to find calm in your life or your home without experiencing stillness each day.
So setting up a 'calm corner' that's just for you to be still, read, meditate, think, do a puzzle, journal, etc. is extremely important. Essential, really.
This is especially important if you have others living with you in your home that may not be on the same journey as you. You'll need this quiet space to get away and focus on creating positive energy for yourself
Scout out a tiny corner of your home where you can sit undisturbed for a few minutes (or a few hours if you have them!) a day. It could be a comfortable chair by the window, a sectional in front of the fireplace, a daybed corner you DIY in a spare room, your bed if that’s the only private place in your home, or even a pillow on the floor in the closet where you can close the door the world. Just find somewhere all your own where you won't be disturbed.
Make sure there is good lighting - you'll use this spot for journaling and reading.
Make it comfortable - the temperature should be warm and you should have a throw and/or pillow so that you can curl up and be cozy.
Make sure you have a hard surface nearby where you can put a cup of tea or coffee or wine. If you spend time reading or doing a puzzle or just meditating while looking out the window, a cup of tea always makes it better! A small side table, coffee table or even a stump stool will do the trick.
If you don’t have one already, dig out a notebook (or purchase a new beautiful one) to use as a journal, and keep it in your calm corner.
DO NOT have any screens in this area - this is a space for silence and quiet contemplation. It does not allow for phones, tablets, computers or TVs. If your corner is in a room with the TV or computer, make sure you turn them off when you’re finding calm.
Look around and see what you can move and repurpose in your home to create your own calm corner. I’m a big fan of repurposing if you can. But if you need some new pieces to create your essential calm corner, here are some beautiful sources.
Homes are to be lived in … Our approach to designing your space is to create spots all throughout your home where you want to stop and linger. Have that cup of coffee, chat with your friends, rest.
We live in such a hurried world, and we believe our homes should be places of refuge to breathe and soothe our souls.