Overcoming Commitment Phobia: Art Edition

Art is often viewed as one of the most intimidating things to collect for a home!  It’s a commitment, a statement, an investment! Some view it as a risk! But the payoff is high when you take the plunge and get it right to make a space feel curated, completed, and cozy.  Read the suggestions below of how we’ve used art in clients’ homes to see how you can turn your blank walls into a source of happiness!


Like all decisions, it’s easier to start small.  Identify a piece of artwork that can be tried out in a Powder Room, a Hallway, a Walk-In Closet, or a Pantry.  This may not be a high-traffic area so when you enter, the piece is a little surprise that adds personality to an otherwise overlooked space!  In each of the photos below, we love the juxtaposition of colored walls and linear elements of each Powder Room with the rounded shapes seen in the art!


Still starting out small, elevate a little spot by bringing in warmth or texture with art, but let the frame steal the spotlight!  The dining space below had a compact brass bar cart but the accent of the muted artwork with a brass finished frame above makes it eye-catching and balanced!  This could also work above a planter, on a bookshelf, or on a skinnier wall to add a little color and patina!


Focusing on one color in a piece of décor and repeating that color in artwork makes for a cohesive look and helps to edit the number of art options, whether you are choosing art before or after furnishings.  The style of art may be a landscape, abstract, geometric, textile or image, and when carrying the common thread of color, the most eclectic space looks well-designed and pulled together!


If you are not sure you want to embrace or emphasize just one color, skip it!  Black and white art can share the prettiest sketches or boldest abstracts and everything in between!  This whimsical gallery wall is simply two-toned but relaxed and expressive nonetheless!  It is versatile across all color palettes and therefore not tied to any trends or fads that may date a space.


Draw attention to a striking floor or pretty ceiling by allowing the artwork to optimize the vertical space.  A portrait-oriented canvas or framed piece draws the eye up or balances horizontal lines.


Creating repetition of similar pieces gives a structured and sophisticated look for filling a wall and making an impact.  With some planning in advance, the print and framing selections work together to create a gallery wall that can be simple or ornate.   We love juxtaposing modern and traditional pairings here for an overall timeless effect.

We hope that helps build your confidence in committing to art in a few spaces that may be needing some attention in your home! From one special vintage piece to selecting enough for a gallery wall, there's many different directions to take which can be overwhelming! So, our team is always ready to help lend a hand during a design service or shopping, we have your back! Need help? Chat with our Designer Dusty for assistance!


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